The Pros And Cons Of Contact Lenses

Contact Lens

Fact: While contact lenses have a long list of benefits, they are not a full replacement for prescription eyeglasses. However, if you want to invest in contact lenses to add to your lifestyle, keep reading to learn about the types of contacts, the pros and cons, and how to care for them.

The Benefits Of Contact Lenses

Eye contact lenses are designed to replicate your eye’s shape so they fit the eye very comfortably. The snug fit is a big advantage over glasses as it gives you a wider view, fewer distortions and no obstructions from eyeglass frames.

If you are a keen sports player, then contact lenses will be your friend. You don’t have to worry about your glasses falling off and smashing or blurry vision from smudged lenses. Contact lenses also don’t mist up or get affected by bad weather. You can also have a lot of fun with them by using coloured lenses to fit your mood or a fancy dress outfit.

On a more serious note, specialist contact lenses can be life-changing for some people. Here are the types of lenses often prescribed:

  • Toric contact lenses assist people with astigmatism by providing optimal vision despite the shape of the eye.
  • Multifocal contact lenses are for people who need additional help with reading and want the most convenience from their contact lenses. Multifocals are tailor-made to your short, and long-distance vision. These lenses provide perfect and effortless vision.

Schedule an appointment to determine which lenses are right for you.


The Disadvantages Of Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are not the perfect solution for everyone. Let’s look at the challenges with contact lenses:

  • Some of our clients have difficulty inserting the lens into their eyes. We offer ongoing support with the technique, so reach out to us for help. Here is a helpful video for inserting eye contact lenses.

  • While the snug fit of contact lenses is important, it hinders the amount of oxygen available to the eye, which can cause dry eye syndrome and temporary corneal swelling.
  • When your work involves extended time in front of the computer, contact lenses worsen computer vision syndrome.
  • Most contact lenses must be taken out before you fall asleep or your eyes will be scratchy, dry, red and inflamed. If this happens regularly, then opt for special extended-wear contact lenses that are approved for continuous wear for the whole month. The lenses must be disposed of after this period, or you could contract serious eye infections.
  • If you’re not mindful, you can forget that your lenses are still in there! Give this case study a read where a doctor removed 23 contact lenses from their patient.


Caring For Lenses

Contact lenses and their cases require consistent daily care to eliminate the risk of regular eye infections. If the thought of daily cleansing your eyewear makes you cringe, then long-term contact lenses are not for you. The good news is there is a workaround for this! Get one-day disposable contacts if your prescription allows for it.

Here is a helpful video for contact lenses and case care.

Are you ready to give eye contact lenses a try? Book your eye appointment today!